Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Regulation time off work (Tugas Softskill)


Jakarta, May 26th, 2014

From       :  Manager HRD PT. Gesang Sugi Rahayu
To           : All Staff
Subject    : Regulation time off work

Annual Leave
1 . Based on each work period , the employee is entitled to annual leave as follows :
   a. Employee Level 1 to Level 3 :
       1 to 5 years of working 12 working days per year
       5 years and above 18 working days per year
   b . Employee Level 4 to level 6 :
       1 to 5 years of working 12 working days per year
       5 years and above 14 working days per year
2 . Rights applies only leave after the employee completed the First Employment Contract period and will     begin a proportional calculation based on the date of joining till date since June 15 that year.
3 . During a period of 12 (twelve ) months , all employees must take at least one uninterrupted period of annual leave equivalent to at least half the employee 's annual leave entitlements . Therefore they are :
   - Right off of 12 (twelve ) working days must take leave at least 5 ( five ) working days uninterrupted .
   - Right off 14 (fifteen ) working days have to take leave a minimum of 7 ( seven ) days of uninterrupted work 
   - Right off 18 (twenty ) working days have to take leave a minimum of 10 ( ten ) days of uninterrupted work 
4 . Rights leave must be taken during the calendar year (1 July to 30 June ) where it appears right .
5 . Application for leave to move the next year is generally not recommended and require management approval .
6 . Annual leave must be scheduled at a time that is appropriate for both the employee and the Company . Leave shall be taken or arranged to be taken in the calendar year . Every application for leave to move the next calendar year must receive prior approval from the Operations Manager .
7 . At the Feast will run as usual . Employees will be granted leave for 2 days ( not disconnected in accordance with the previously approved schedule ) starting from the Feast of completion that will be scheduled by the Manager .

sick leave
1 . Employees get permission up to 3 ( three ) working days sick leave without a care in the hospital per year without a medical certificate , however, the Company has the right to request a medical certificate , if deemed necessary .
2 . For any sick leave which consists of two (2 ) days or more in a row, the employee must provide a doctor's certificate is acceptable . The certificate can be delivered to the Company on the date of absence , or if for some valid reason that is not possible , the employee must submit a statement as soon as he returned to work .
If the medical certificate is not presented above , the employee will be considered absent from work without reason and will in
Salary cuts against wear .
3 . If employees are sick as evidenced by a medical certificate and are required to stay at home or hospital more than 2 ( two ) days , the employee must notify the Company when they will be able to start back to work , by written notice of the doctor .
4 . If employees are sick are not healed and did not return to work after a period of 15 days , working relationships can be terminated .

Special leave / Paid
1 . Employees Remain entitled to special leave with pay following :
    a . Marriage employees working 3 days
    b . Child marriages employee 2 working days
    c . Births male employees 1 business day
    d . Death of close family members of employees 2 business days
    e . Genital mutilation employee 1 working day
2 . In this case, immediate family means husband / wife , parents , in-laws , children , siblings .

1 . Female employee is entitled to maternity leave since the employee is pregnant or has a positive 2 days before giving birth to three ( three ) months after delivery or premature birth . Performance Management will not be responsible for everything that happens , if the employee decides not to take leave for the period specified above . During the leave period , the employee receives only Salary alone .
2 . Female employee who will be taking maternity leave must submit a request to the management beforehand , accompanied by a Medical Certificate or midwife .

Absent Without Leave Work
1 . If employees are absent from work without reason acceptable to the Company , the employee is considered to be absent from work without leave which would constitute a violation of work discipline and will apply to salary cuts ..
2 . If employees are absent from work without leave for 5 ( five ) working days in a row , and has been called upon in writing by the Company's two (2 ) times , but the employee can not provide an explanation that is supported by official documentary evidence , the Company may Termination process in accordance with procedures .

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